Evan Shapiro: Inside Corporate Media – The Data Netflix Don’t Want You To See

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About Evan Shapiro

Evan Shapiro is the official unofficial cartographer of the Media Universe. Few, if any, people have spent more time exploring entertainment verticals of TV, music, podcasts and social media than Evan. From the community strategy of streaming platforms to the user-centric future, he has a formidable and unique insight. And if he doesn’t like or agree with the strategy – be it from Disney, Netflix, Hulu, Verizon or the BBC – he’ll explain why it’s wrong, what they should be doing better and what it means for our viewing habits and culture.

Shapiro is an Emmy and Peabody Award winning producer of many funny things, including Portlandia, This Film Is Not Yet Rated, Please Like Me, Comedy Bang Bang, Brick City, and Harmonquest.

He is also a professor at NYU and Fordham schools of business, Co-host of the Cancel Culture Podcast and CEO of ESHAP, his own company which offers partners and consumers media insight as a service.

There’s no bullshit with Evan Shapiro. 

You’ve seen him on stage, now see him Thinking on Paper.

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Quotes From Evan Shapiro

“You look at surveys from Harris which are ‘thousand people surveys’, and then you look at data from Antenna, which is literally millions of data points, and they're given equal weight in the marketplace. That's just Bonkers.”

“Netflix have more paying subscribers than any other video platform on the face of the Earth. They gained nine million subscribers last quarter and now have a positive cash flow.”

“They're a television channel with one revenue stream. In the history of television you have to go back 50 or 60 years to find a truly long term profitable television channel that had one revenue stream. And that was back when there were three channels broadcast.”

“I don't like doomed, doomed is hyperbolic. They're not going to go out of business, but they're going to gently become what CBS is now.”

“93% of consumers are reconsidering more than half of their services on a day-to-day basis.”

“The user centric era is one where the consumer is in complete control. They change the bundle of services for themselves in their system settings with the thumbs every morning. The user Centric era puts the power in the hands of the consumer, but the consumer wields that power with big Tech. They use their iPhones, they use their Google phones, they use their Samsung TVs. The Weapons they use to battle overpaying for something is the big Tech.”

“YouTube premium, YouTube TV, YouTube kids, YouTube music. That's becoming a real suite of services that the home can't do without.”

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More Quotes From Evan Shapiro

“The NY Times has probably one of the best lifestyle bundles, one of the best super aggregation Platforms in media. It’s a really tight package and they’re doing it with 10 million subscribers, not 200 million subscribers.”

“Younger consumers are much more likely to pay for content than older consumers, but they want to get their money’s worth. The best example I can give you is Spotify.”

“Microsoft is a great example of a company that is pivoting from Gen X and Boomers to Gen Y and gen Z.”

“Apple is facing some issues. First of all they skew to the rich, you know the cost of their products are exorbitant. Every single one of their Hardware products fell in sales in the third quarter except the iPhone, and it only went up 2%.”

“60% of the planet’s eight to 15 year olds play Minecraft.” 

“People on other social media platforms make fun of LinkedIn, but it’s the last bastion of Peace in social media. It’s the last place in social media where being a douchebag isn’t celebrated.”

“I think you’re going to start to see creators go on strike against platforms like Tik Tok and YouTube and meta to get better shares of revenue.”

“What if we start as writers and creators to not assume the apocalypse has happened, but assume that the apocalypse didn’t happen and that what society looks like on the other side if we Greenlight more optimism and less apocalypse might we also Inspire the next generation of Roddenberry or Steve Jobs. Might we Inspire more creation and less destruction?”

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